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ISBN: 8126120789
The object of this book is to present the elementary principles of economic science in as clear and interesting manner as possible, and to meet the needs of students working for the various professional and academic examinations for which a basic knowledge of economics is required. It is hoped that the consideration given to the order of presentation will make the book of service and of interest, not only to the student, but also to the layman and the man of affairs. The book is quite handy. The matter has been presented in a lucid and cohesive manner. The language used is simple and the book has not been burdened with unnecessary and boring jargons, so that there is no difficulty in understanding the main issue and energies are not wasted in understanding difficult language and complex terminology. The author is quite sure that the present book will be a useful addition to the study of the subject and both the teacher and the taught, interests in study of the subject both at university level (UG and PG) and for their competitive examinations. The salient features of this book are: simple and lucid language ; easy to understand. The book is compulsory for B.A. Economics students of Bangalore and other Universities. The book is also useful to all starting from PUC to Post Graduate (almost all universities) and for civil services. A useful Glossary for Economic Terms is given in the end to understand Economics in an easy manner. The question paper pattern of Bangalore University is also given in the end for the benefit of the students and teachers.
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